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How Can CBD Products Help With Anxiety and Depression?

For years, people have been searching for CBD products that can help reduce the symptoms of chronic pain and other illnesses. As medical studies continue to reveal the beneficial aspects of CBD, more research is being done around the world on CBD. Recent findings suggest that CBD may in fact be as effective at relieving pain as some of the pharmaceutical pain killers like Oxycotin and Vicodin. Here are some of the benefits of CBD:

Inflammation: The body has an innate ability to naturally protect itself from infection. When we get sick, our body releases a variety of chemicals including inflammatory substances known as cytokines, which are intended to speed up our recovery process. Unfortunately, prolonged inflammation is linked with several serious illnesses including cancer, arthritis, diabetes and Parkinson's disease. Scientists have discovered that CBD can combat inflammation by reducing the harmful effects of cytokines. A research on CBG capsules is also underway to enable it sell widely.

Diabetes: In a recent study found evidence that CBD may help lower blood sugar levels in human diabetics. Specifically, the CBD was found to counter the glucose uptake and insulin resistance seen with type 1 diabetes. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases are currently examining the relationship between CBD use and type 1 diabetes. As of now there is no consensus concerning whether CBD is helpful in treating type 1 diabetes.

Social Anxiety: People who suffer from social anxiety often feel anxious when faced with group or social situations. People with social anxiety may experience pounding heart palpitations, clammy hands, chills, dizziness or feelings of dread. Recent studies have shown that CBD may relieve symptoms of social anxiety and panic disorder. CBD is believed to affect the nervous system and alleviate feelings of anxiety. This is the first evidence linking CBD and anxiety.

Depression: It has been shown in a number of controlled studies that CBD can effectively treat symptoms of depression and anxiety without unwanted side effects. In one study, postmenopausal women who took CBD had fewer mood swings and reported increased feelings of happiness. Another study on CBD and depression found that women diagnosed with bi-polar disorder were more likely to report significant decreases in their depression after taking CBD as opposed to a placebo. Other recent studies have shown that CBD may also be effective in treating sleep disorders such as insomnia, fibromyalgia, and sleep apnea. There is also preliminary evidence that CBD can be used to treat tinnitus. See page here and learn more on CBD products and how they can of help in treating anxiety and depression.

Stroke: A recent study showed that CBD may help prevent strokes due to decreased blood flow to the brain in those suffering from tardive dyskinesia. The CBD was also effective at reducing seizures in pediatric patients suffering from epilepsy. However, the study showed only an effect on blood flow, not on the brain. This is a very preliminary finding and more research is needed to confirm CBD's benefit in these conditions. In any case, this study showed CBD's potential ability to reduce seizures and improve conditions related to stroke. You can get more information about these CBD Oils here:

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